Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Take 2: 40 Days of Posts!

Last March I was a little frustrated with myself. I hadn't written a post in 2+ months and had hit a serious creative block. I decided I would give myself a major challenge and write 40 POSTS IN 40 DAYS

It worked pretty well and got me out of my slump. However, nearly a year later and I'm right back where I was then. 

So here we are for the 2nd Annual 40 Posts in 40 Days!

My disclaimer from last year works too:

"I've spent too much time lately coming home from a busy day at work [now school] and stressing out about the next day. I have also gotten caught up in a bad habit of starting a blog post, worrying about if it's "special" enough to write about or if anybody will read it. I'm just gonna write. If people read it and like it, awesome! If not, that's okay too. I'm doing this for me. Will all the posts be good? Most likely not. But guess what? They're getting published anyways!"

I'm going to keep this post short because:

1. Let's face it, I've got 39 more days to fill. 

2. I've got school early tomorrow morning and it's late...and I'm NOT a morning person.

Be sure to check back tomorrow for a fresh new post :) 

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