Tuesday, March 25, 2014

#21: Tasty Tuesday

Eating the same thing over and over can get pretty tedious, so today I started looking around at various food blogs for inspiration. Even though we aren't necessarily paleo at the moment, we are trying to stay away from bread and grains and work in more healthy fats. Paleo recipes are perfect for that. 

We bought two gigantic sweet potatoes at Whole Foods with no real plan. When I found this recipe for sweet potato and sausage hash, I knew we had to give it a try. We already had all the ingredients except for the onion and the chicken sausage. While the recipe called for ground up chicken sausage taken out of casing, all Kroger had was this apple chicken hot-dog style sausage. Oh well, you make do with what you have. 

Chicken sausage and onions just waiting for the sweet potatoes to finally finish cooking...they took FOREVER.

All of it together. This recipe features an interesting mix of ingredients
like spinach, cinnamon, apples, and onions.  

A closer look. 

Paleo recipes don't normally list calorie counts because that goes against their whole ideology (if you're eating the correct foods, it's nearly impossible to eat over your daily caloric needs) but as we're counting...we estimated it to be around 350 calories per 1 cup serving. It was a very satisfying and filling meal, and had a nice nutrient mix. If made ahead of time, it would make a great breakfast dish to reheat and go. 

If I make this again, I would like to experiment with the sweet potato a little more. While the recipe was nice, the sweet potatoes were a little lacking and almost bland. I might try Shane's suggestion of a squeeze of lemon or a bit of something spicy to see if that would bring out the flavor of the sweet potatoes a little bit more. 

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