My progress: I've lost 1lb since last weigh in for a total of 42lbs lost...I'm now at 184lbs.
46.7% of my goal complete!
Shane's progress: He's lost 2lbs since last weigh in for a total of 48lbs lost...he's at 261lbs.
38.4% of his goal complete.
We've done pretty good with our workout routine, going to the gym almost every day of the week. Shane is starting phase two of the Shortcut to Size program this week, and I'm going strong on the Labrada 12 Week Lean Body Training program. We generally spend 4-5 days per week weightlifting, and we also work some cardio in there. Shane made up a HIIT (high intensity interval traning) cardio circuit for us to do this Saturday is Sunday night and I am STILL sore. The picture above was taken right after I finished. It only took me 20 minutes and it's hard to tell from the picture but I was absolutely dripping with sweat when we were done. That's how you know it was a good workout! Also, I'm really proud of this accomplishment...I actually did a whole real push up, and then four more. I did a total of 15 push ups when the workout was through, and that's probably why my arms are so sore, but I did them!
I know I have a long way to go before I reach my goal, but it really blows my mind that I've lost over 40 pounds already! I never thought of myself as being as big as I actually got to be, I was smaller in my mind. Now that I'm a bit smaller, it's like the opposite has happened, I think of myself as bigger than I am. I grabbed a t-shirt out of my closet this morning and thought "oh that's not going to fit, looks like it shrank way small in the dryer." Well guess what...the shirt fits and it's not even tight!
I've recently traded in my way too big work clothes for some much nicer and smaller ones. I was still wearing size 16 pants that almost dropped to the floor when I stood...can't believe I used to have to squeeze myself in them and hope the buttons wouldn't pop off! I've replaced them with a size 12 that actually fits. Do you remember the rather rude guy from my work who never has anything nice to say? See here and here if you have no idea what I'm talking about. I was wearing my new clothes the other day and that guy asked if I'd lost weight. When I said I'd lost nearly 40 pounds, his jaw hit the floor, and even told me that he was "embarrassed" that he hadn't noticed before. I almost passed out from the shock of him being so nice to me. He continued to congratulate me every time he saw me throughout the day.
While we're doing great with the working out portion, we've stalled on the food bit. I'm finding myself splurging more and more, and I've got to rein that back in. I realized the other day that it has been almost exactly six months since Shane and I made the commitment to ourselves to lose weight and get in shape. This is the longest we've ever stuck with something like this before, and I don't intend to give up now. I am skinner now than I have been since I graduated Tech in 2010...that's just crazy! I would absolutely love to push myself now and reach my goal by (or shortly after) my birthday in January. I told myself I'd lose weight at 25, then made it all the way to 26 without making a single change. But by the time I make it to 27, I could be in the absolute best shape of my entire life.