Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Day 7: Wednesday weigh in

To see all past weigh ins, click here. To see our whole weight loss journey, click here.

On January 16, 2014, Shane and I committed ourselves to a healthier lifestyle and drastic diet overhaul. We were sick of the way we looked, the way we felt, and the impact our poor choices could and would have on our current and future health. 

On March 10th, 2014, I shared my first weight loss post with all of you and revealed I'd lost 9lbs from my highest ever recorded weight of 226lbs. Revealing my actual weight for the whole internet to see was the scariest thing I'd ever done...until today.

Today I am sharing my first ever full body progress pictures. I've shared update pictures before, but never any as revealing as these. I dress carefully to camouflage my shape and am super picky about what gets posted. But I've been having a rough time with weight loss recently, and this is (hopefully) the kick in the ass that I need. It's going to be really hard to push "publish" on this post, but it's for my own good.

Our problem isn't a lack of exercise. Shane and I have gone to our local YMCA 3+ times a week for an hour or more each session for a year now. We've built a lot of muscle and I'm really proud of that progress. But losing weight and getting in shape is about 80% diet, 20% exercise. And what I'm not proud of is how far we've backslid into poor eating habits. We're a great team, but it goes two ways. We either motivate each other, or we co-enable our bad habits. We ate a ton junk food while we were snowed in last week. It all tasted so good, but felt so terrible. 

We have recommitted to ourselves to healthy eating habits and back to tracking calories on MyFitnessPal. If you're looking to get healthy yourself, you should join MFP and friend me! Find my profile here: Lehorner6. I've set a goal of 1500 calories per day for now, which may be subject to change based on how it affects my weight loss and energy levels. It's been three days since I started tracking again for real. I'd forgotten just how nice it feels to want a chocolate chip cookie and actually have room in your daily calories to eat one! I'm pretty much eating cookies and losing weight, which is the best of both worlds.

I've procrastinated enough, it's time to share the pictures. 

My progress: I have lost a total of 41lbs...I'm now at 185lbs.
45.5% of my goal complete!

Shane's progress: He has lost a total of 41lbs...he's at 268lbs.
32.8% of his goal complete. 

In case you didn't pick up on it...Shane and I each lost 41lbs. Crazy, right? 

I'm nervous and excited about this next phase of our transformation. We have had a great first year of our new healthy lifestyle, with 6-7 months of solid weight loss, and a whole year of exploring exercise. We've also been through our first plateau, about 6-7 months of weight fluctuations with no real loss (although we have been building muscle and losing fat, our bodies haven't really gotten much smaller). I'm hoping we'll get over that plateau very soon. 

I plan on posting regularly again to keep us accountable with our progress. We've both got a long way to go on our weight loss and fitness goals, and ultimately it will be a lifelong process. But if I could feel better about my beach body this summer, that would be fantastic.

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