Wednesday, March 5, 2014

40 days of posts!

Nowadays it seems like most people are giving up things like Facebook or Twitter or the internet for Lent. This year, I've decided to go the opposite direction, with...

40 days of posts!

Yes it seems like a lot, especially considering I haven't written a post since December.  

I've spent too much time lately coming home from a busy day at work and stressing out about the next day. I have also gotten caught up in a bad habit of starting a blog post, worrying about if it's "special" enough to write about or if anybody will read it. No more of that. I'm just gonna write. If people read it and like it, awesome! If not, that's okay too. I'm doing this for me. Will all the posts be good? Most likely not. But guess what? They're getting published anyways! 

Since this is kinda short to be considered a "real" post, here's some photos from the other night when my sister gave me a makeover. She just graduated from Tennessee School of Beauty on Thursday and decided to give me a roller set at 10:00 at night. No reason, just because. 

Not exactly an everyday look, but I think I look fab! My hair was so fluffy and full of hair spray...I think I pulled about half of it out brushing it later. I wish I'd taken a picture of myself the next morning when I woke up, let's just say it wasn't nearly so glam. 

I'll be back tomorrow for post #2!

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