Monday, March 9, 2015

Day 16: The Horners of Catan

Welcome to game night!

Shane and I have always been into games and love playing them with family and friends. We've got quite the collection too. This year for Christmas my mom got Shane one of the games he's been wanting for a long time...Settlers of Catan. 

The game isn't quite as involved as The Cones of Dunshire, so we've got a basic grasp of gameplay and low-level strategy. Shane and I have played several different two-player rules variation games at home (it's a 3-4 player game), but as with anything, friends and family make it way more fun. We even bought the expansion pack (up to 6 players), which came in handy when we had pizza and played with several friends a few weeks ago. 

Our latest converts are Shane's mom Debbie and dad Steve. They were really quick to pick up on it, and it was the most involved game we'd played thus far! Steve won, and Debbie came in second, so Shane and I will have to sneak and read some online strategy guides before our next game with them ;) 

The game involves the occasional theft of one card from a fellow player through the Robber and the Knight. Debbie didn't have access to any of the stone quarries from her spot on the board (with stone being one of the important resources needed to build things), so whenever it was her turn to steal, it was a running joke that she was looking to find Steve's stone cards. He was a good sport about it though, and when it was his turn to steal, he'd turn right around and get something back from her! 

Win or lose, we all had lots of fun, and I think everybody is waiting for the rematch. I'd love to teach my parents how to play too (my sister already knows how). Then maybe we could have a mega Catan tournament together! 

Until next time, keep Effie Trinket's catchphrase in mind..."may the odds roll of the dice be ever in your favor."

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